TreeMec® Inject 1 quart bottle

TreeMec® Inject 1 quart bottle

Regular price $440.00 $0.00 Unit price per



Chemical: Emamectin Benzoate

TreeMec® Inject is for the control of mature and immature insect and mite pests of deciduous and coniferous trees and palms including, but not limited to, those growing in residential and commercial landscapes, parks, plantations, seed orchards and forested sites in private, municipal, state, tribal and national areas. TreeMec® Inject contains the active ingredient Emamectin Benzoate and is formulated to translocate in the tree’s vascular system when injected. This product must be placed into active sapwood and will actively control pests for up to two years.

TreeMec® Inject is designed to be used with tree injection devices that meet the label and dose requirements for the control of listed pests of trees. Follow manufacturer’s directions for equipment use.


Active: Emamectin Benzoate
(CAS No. 155569-91-8)
Other Ingredients 96%
Total 100.0%
Contains 0.36 lb Emamectin per gallon


EPA Reg. No. 69117-12


Additional Directions for Application in Trees
Tree Tissue Target Pest Application Rate Range1 Comments
Seed and Cone Cone Beetle2 (Conopthora spp.)
Pine Cone Seed Bug (suppression of Leptoglossus and Tetyra spp. in the year of treatment)
Pine Coneworm (Dioryctria spp.)
Medium to High For optimal control, apply in the fall for early season pests or at least 30 days before insect attack.
Bud and Leaf Aphid2
Conifer Mites2
Fall Webworm
Gypsy Moth
Honeylocust Plant Bug Japanese Beetle
Leafminers (such as Coleoptera, Hymenoptera Lepidoptera) Mimosa Webworm
Oak Worm
Pine Needle Scale
Red Palm Mite
Sawfly (such as Elm, Pine)
Tussock Moth
Low to High Apply at least 2-3 weeks before the pest has historically been present.


Consult with a local extension agent for when this will occur in your area.

Shoot, Stem Trunk and Branch Flatheaded Borers (such as adult and larvae of Bronze Birch Borer2, Emerald Ash Borer and Two-lined Chestnut Borer2)


Tent Caterpillars (such as Eastern, Forest, Pacific and Western)

Western Spruce Budworm
Winter Moth

For optimal control, apply at least 30 days before historical egg hatch or adult flight and to trees whose vascular tissue is not damaged.


If vascular tissue is damaged or plugged by insect galleries, nematodes or fungi, uniform treatment and control may not be achieved.

Clearwing Borers (such as Ash and Sequoia Pine Pitch Tube Moth)
Ambrosia Beetles2
Cynipid Gall Wasps2
Pinewood Nematode Roundheaded Borers (excluding Asian Longhorn Beetles)
Scolytids (Bark Beetles) Ips Engraver Beetles, Mountain Pine Beetle, Southern Pine Beetle, Spruce Beetle, Western Pine Beetle
Medium to High
1Use medium to high rates for remedial and longer residual control.
2Not registered for use in California


Use Rates
Use as formulated or dilute with equivalent 1 to 3 volumes of water or more, as necessary.
Tree Diameter
(DBH) (Inches)
(mL product/tree)
(mL product/tree)
(mL product/tree)
(mL product/tree)
4 to 6 15 25 50
7 to 9 20 40 80
10 to 12 30 55 110 165
13 to 15 35 70 140 210
16 to 18 42 85 170 225
19 to 21 50 100 200 300
22 to 24 115 230 345
25 to 27 130 260 390
28 to 30 145 290 435
31 to 33 160 320 480
34 to 36 175 350 525
37 to 39 190 380 570
40 to 42 205 410 615
43 to 45 220 440 660
46 to 48 235 470 705
49 to 51 250 500 750
52 to 54 265 530 795
55 to 57 280 560 840
58 to 60 295 590 885
61 to 63 310 620 930
64 to 66 325 650 975
67 to 69 340 680 1020
70 to 72 355 710 1065
The use of low, medium, medium-high and high rates is based on the professional judgement of the applicator as to what constitutes a low, medium or high infestation. Higher rates tend to provide a longer residual and control of more difficult-to-control insects. See Target Pests table for additional information in choosing the amount of product to apply.